Hi, I’m Leah Bosé – and welcome! I’m STOKED that you’re here!
As kids, our Dad used to wake us up before dawn and ask us if we wanted to go on a “ramble.” This meant piling into the car in the pre-dawn light, grabbing the first fresh doughnuts of the day, and then hitting the road for the hills, beach, or desert. We learned early on that the best kinds of days are those with no plan and a strong sense of adventure, and so we’ve been rambling ever since!
I’ve always grown up looking at each weekend as a chance to get out and make your own story – and now I want to help you make your own stories! I’ll break down how to have a ballin’ adventure on a budget and how to find the adventure in your own backyard. I’m a ‘picture is worth a 1,000 words’ type of woman and love getting down to the need to know basics. Here on Ramble State you’ll find GPS coordinates for trail heads, links to the best food and Airbnb listings, essentials to pack, and a million photos that will speak for themselves.
Happy rambles, Leah